1. Git and github for poets (the coding train series)

Git and github for poets (the coding train series)

Youtube series
Git is a version controller (of files), it has a lot of features for making
collaboration really nice.

1.1 Introduction


Is the actual version controller software, invented by the guy who invented


Web site/social network where you can do projects that have version control on them

This key concepts are shown in the video using only github

Key concepts

1.2 Branches


Think of the history of a project as a tree. Branches are separate paths

Key concepts

1.3 Forks and Pull requests

1.4 Github issues

Not a git concept, it's just a feature available in github. Supports markdown. They
do have identifiers, a commit may refer to it. Can be used to identify bugs, or
comments about a project in general.

1.5 Intro to command line

No further new information :)

1.6 Cloning repo and push/pull

You can use Git in your own local computer.

Key concepts


1.7 Git init and git add

Key concepts
Save and commit are different steps. Save is the act of modifying the file on the hard drive, commiting is the act of adding that change to the story of the repository.


If we want to upload this changes to a Github repository we can't use git push origin master because we didn't clone the repo from an existing one in Github.
What we have to do, then?

First create a host repository in Github, after that execute the following commands: